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Exclusive Memberships

Beauty Perks & Unbeatable Savings, All Year Long!

Membership Plans

Essential Plan

Enjoy 5% off all services and products

$149 per month

Premium Plan

Enjoy 15% off all services and products

$299 per month

Beauty Bank Plan

At Lasting Beauty, your loyalty pays off! With our Beauty Bank Plan, you save monthly towards future treatments and enjoy exclusive discounted pricing instantly. Let your Beauty Bank grow, and treat yourself whenever you’re ready!

Referral Rewards

Invite a friend to Lasting Beauty, and when they spend $300 or more, you both get a $50 credit! There’s no limit—refer as many as you want!

Note: Additional terms apply. This offer can’t be combined with other discounts, holds no cash value, and may change or be canceled at any time

Contact Us

Got questions about memberships or treatments? We’re here to help! Reach out to us and let’s chat about how we can elevate your beauty routine.