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Premier Packages

Unlock the Best in Skincare and Aesthetic Treatments!

Explore Our Packages

Luxelaser Laser Hair Removal

  • Buy 5 Sessions: Get 10% off
    (Regular Price: $250+ per session)
  • Buy 7 Sessions: Get 15% off
    (Regular Price: $250+ per session)

Smooth and Glow

  • Includes:
    • 1 Elumiate Face: $950
    • 2 IPL Photofacials (Face): $700
    • 1 Laser Genesis (Face): $250
  • Total Value: $1,900
  • Package Price: $1,749

Natural Radiance & Bright Eyes

  • Includes:
    • 3 PRF Treatments
    • 3 Light Eyes
  • Package Price: $4,449

Lift and Tighten

  • Includes:
    • 2 Sofwave Treatments (Face, Neck, Eyes)
  • Total Value: $5,200
  • Package Price: $4,449

Tighten, Tone &Tuxture

  • Includes:
    • 3 Genius RF: $3,600
    • 3 Ultra Laser Resurfacing
    • 3 Stem Cell Home Care Kits
  • Total Value: $3,900
  • Package Price: $3,300

Youthful Rejuvenation

  • Includes:
    • 3 Sculptra
    • 3 Bacio
    • 3 Light Eyes
  • Total Value: $6,300
  • Package Price: $5,700


  • Offer: Buy ANY 5 HydraFacials, Get 1 Free

Contact Us

Got questions about memberships or treatments? We’re here to help! Reach out to us and let’s chat about how we can elevate your beauty routine.