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Mermaid Facial

Hydrate, Exfoliate and Rejuvenate

Mermaid Facial

Hydrate, Exfoliate and Rejuvenate

Glow Like Never Before

Experience the ultimate skincare treatment with our Mermaid Facial. Designed to hydrate, firm, and rejuvenate your skin deeply, this treatment offers transformative results without downtime.

Perfect for anyone looking for a quick treatment with all the benefits, the Mermaid Facial leaves you with a luminous, youthful glow.


  • • Deep Hydration: Infuses your skin with moisture, leaving it plump and supple.

  • • Exfoliation: Removes dead skin cells, refreshing your skin.

  • • Radiant Glow: Enhances skin firmness, revealing a youthful appearance.

  • • Customizable: Suitable for all skin types, with tailored masks and treatments for specific concerns.

  • • No Downtime: Enjoy immediate results without any recovery time.


    • • Deep Hydration: Infuses your skin with moisture, leaving it plump and supple.
    • • Exfoliation: Removes dead skin cells, refreshing your skin.
    • • Radiant Glow: Enhances skin firmness, revealing a youthful appearance.
    • • Customizable: Suitable for all skin types, with tailored masks and treatments for specific concerns.
    • • No Downtime: Enjoy immediate results without any recovery time.

LightEyes Ultra

Revitalize and Rejuvenate Your Eye Area

LightEyes Ultra is a quick, 20-minute treatment that uses a blend of Hyaluronic Acid, Ruscus, Vitamin C, and antioxidants to target dark circles, eyelid puffiness, and fine wrinkles. It’s perfect for brightening and revitalizing your under-eye area without any downtime.


  • Reduces eye bags
  • Minimizes black circles
  • Smooths thin wrinkles
mermaid facial lighteyes

SkinFill Bacio

Plump and Perfect Your Lips

SkinFill Bacio is a 30-minute treatment designed specifically for lips, combining vitamin B12 and hyaluronic acid to deeply hydrate, define, and enhance the lip area. It’s perfect for achieving fuller, smoother lips with a natural look and feel, with no downtime required.


  • Supercharges hydration for soft, smooth lips
  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Enhances natural lip definition

Relax & Enjoy

Experience the ultimate in skincare luxury with our Mermaid Facial. Book your appointment today and dive into a world of radiant, rejuvenated skin.


The treatment lasts for 60 minutes.

No, you can return to your normal activities immediately after the facial.

The Mermaid Facial is designed to be gentle and safe for all skin types. Most experience no side effects and can resume their normal activities immediately after the treatment.