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Ultimate Guide to Hydrafacials: 5 Hydrafacial Steps to Expect 

Looking to give your skin a little TLC? Hydrafacials are the perfect way to refresh and rejuvenate your skin to reveal a more glowing complexion. Hydrafacials are so much more than a traditional facial treatment. Each hydrafacial treatment involves a series of steps so you can achieve smoother, healthier-looking skin after your appointment.

At Lasting Beauty Medispa, we are a premier med spa in Windham, New Hampshire that provides a comprehensive range of treatments, including Hydrafacials, so you can reveal a more glowing complexion. Keep reading to learn all the Hydrafacial steps you can expect below.

5 Hydrafacial Treatment Steps to Expect

Each Hydrafacial treatment involves a series of powerful steps that work together to reveal a more glowing complexion.

Step 1: Cleanse

Cleansing is the first step in the Hydrafacial treatment process. This step involves removing any makeup, dirt, oil, and other impurities from the skin’s surface to ensure your skin is prepped and ready for the treatment ahead. Your aesthetician will gently apply and massage the cleanser into your skin to remove these impurities on the surface of your skin. Because cleansing is the first step in the treatment, there’s no need to apply makeup or other products to your skin before your treatment as they will inevitably be removed. 

Step 2: Exfoliate

Exfoliation is the next step in the Hydrafacial treatment process. Exfoliation gently removes dead skin cells on the surface of your skin to reveal a smoother complexion. Specifically, this step involves a technique known as hydradermabrasion, which essentially exfoliates and hydrates the skin to gently remove dead skin cells without causing any discomfort or skin irritation. This step also helps unclog pores, leaving your skin smoother and softer.

Step 3: Peel

Next, a gentle chemical peel solution is typically applied to the skin to further remove any lingering impurities on the surface of the skin, as well as unclog your pores. The chemical solution is applied to your skin and gently reveals brighter, healthier-looking skin. Plus, this step can also help promote cell turnover and minimize fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. 

Step 4: Extract

Extraction involves targeting any small bumps or breakouts that may be lingering on the patient’s skin. This includes addressing any blackheads or whiteheads lurking below the skin’s surface. During this step, your aesthetician will use a special vacuum-powered extraction tool to gently suction out any impurities remaining in your pores. The goal is to clean and clear any congested pores and this can be an especially powerful step for patients who struggle with more acne-prone skin. And, unlike manual extractions which can sometimes be painful, this step uses the unique extraction tool which provides a more comfortable alternative to clearing congested pores. 

Step 5: Hydrate, Protect, & Rejuvenate

Last but not least, your Hydrafacial will end with applying a series of nourishing serums to hydrate, protect, and rejuvenate the skin. The aesthetician will apply a unique blend of antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, and peptides to moisturize, nourish, and support the skin inside and out. Patients end their appointments with softer, smoother, clearer skin results, with results that typically last between 4 to 6 weeks. 

How Long Does a Hydrafacial Take?

As you can see, there are several essential Hydrafacial steps that help remove impurities and reveal healthy, glowing skin results. Typically, most Hydrafacials take around 30-45 minutes, giving you the perfect time to relax, unwind, and embrace gorgeous skin results. And, hydrafacials involve zero downtime so you can go about the rest of your day with smoother, healthier-looking skin. 

Schedule a Consultation Today 

Hydrafacials are a convenient treatment that helps patients look and feel more confident in their skin. From removing impurities on the skin’s surface to applying nourishing serums, there are several Hydrafacial treatment steps used to achieve a softer, brighter complexion. 

Ready to schedule your Hydrafacial treatment? Contact us today!