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Botox and Beyond

Age-Defying Injectables

Botox and Beyond

Age-Defying Injectables

Where Do Wrinkles Come From?

Despite your dedication to using facial creams and topicals, some wrinkles are inevitable as they are often caused by repetitive muscle movements and the natural loss of subcutaneous fat beneath the skin. As facial volume decreases over time, muscles sit closer to the skin’s surface, making lines more visible. Factors like sun exposure, lifestyle, and genetics also play a role in the development of wrinkles.

How Age-Defying Injectables Can Help


Wrinkle relaxers such as Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin—known as neurotoxins—are injected into the facial muscles responsible for causing wrinkles. These injectables block muscle contractions, allowing the skin to smooth out when you smile, squint, or make other facial expressions. Although temporary, the effects typically last 3 to 4 months, and routine appointments help maintain the results.

How Age-Defying Injectables Can Help

Wrinkle relaxers such as Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin—known as neurotoxins—are injected into the facial muscles responsible for causing wrinkles. These injectables block muscle contractions, allowing the skin to smooth out when you smile, squint, or make other facial expressions. Although temporary, the effects typically last 3 to 4 months, and routine appointments help maintain the results.

Say Goodbye to Smile Lines and Crow’s Feet

At Lasting Beauty in Windham, NH, we offer wrinkle relaxers like Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin to soften smile lines, crow’s feet, and other facial wrinkles. Our treatments are performed in a clean and comfortable MedSpa setting by highly experienced providers. A thorough consultation precedes every treatment to ensure we understand your goals and create a personalized plan tailored to your individual needs

Real People, Real Results

How Age-Defying Injectables Can Help


Wrinkle relaxers such as Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin—known as neurotoxins—are injected into the facial muscles responsible for causing wrinkles. These injectables block muscle contractions, allowing the skin to smooth out when you smile, squint, or make other facial expressions. Although temporary, the effects typically last 3 to 4 months, and routine appointments help maintain the results.

How Age-Defying Injectables Can Help

Wrinkle relaxers such as Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin—known as neurotoxins—are injected into the facial muscles responsible for causing wrinkles. These injectables block muscle contractions, allowing the skin to smooth out when you smile, squint, or make other facial expressions. Although temporary, the effects typically last 3 to 4 months, and routine appointments help maintain the results.

Ready to Experience the Best?

Don’t Settle for Anything Less – Book Your Botox Today!